martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011
RVIVR - Belebend EP (2011)
I've been searching for this EP since RVIVR announced its release due to their european tour, I had to wait and the only thing I was able to listen was one of the two songs on this record, thanks to somebody who uploaded it to Youtube. Finally it leaked in mp3 format and you can download it. To be honest, it's only two songs and the first one doesn't really stand out, but the second one would perfectly fit into "derailer EP" and it's got huge amounts of energy and a epic melody that only this guys can deliver. One more reason to love Erica Freas' voice.
01- Paper Thin
02- Wrong Way/One Way
Slight Similarities With: Good Luck, Shorebirds, Iron Chic
Download HERE (RVIVR's diy label)
domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011
Personal & The Pizzas - Diet, Crime and Delinquency 7" (2011)
For all the real punk-rockers out there. What would happen if you mix some ron asheton's guitar riffs, some slices of greasy 'n crusty pepperoni pizza, and some of the greatest and most memorable ramones' tunes? Season it with some mental issues and garnish it with leather jackets and you've got this great 7". Punk-rock from New Jersey's Personal and the Pizzas, right to your guts.
01- Diet Crime and Delinquency
02- Brain Damage
03- Bored Out Of My Brains
Slight Similarities With: The Ramones, Iggy & The Stooges, New York Dolls
Download HERE
viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011
The Holy Mess - The Holy Mess (2011)
2011 is about to end and we have a lot of great albums left to publish for you guys to enjoy the best stuff that came out this year. That's why The Holy Mess deserved a spot in here since the very beggining. Coming from the great Philadelphia, PA the birth place of a whole bunch of memorable bands, we have this four Pennsylvanian punk rockers delivering some of the most energic, catchy and fast tunes since Flatliners' Cavalcade. Don't misunderstand me, this album doesn't have so much of this mid-tempo punk rock, in fact it is really accelerated ultra-catchy punk-rock, most of the songs go full-throttle (without falling into the kind of fast melodic hardcore box) and will make you click repeat button before it ends. A real breath of fresh air for the ones who need to sing along infectious melodies.
01. I Think Corduroy Is Making A Comeback
02. Captain, We’re Drinking!
03. Goodbye 3713 (Must’ve Been A Good One)
04. You Say PARTY! We Say WHERE!?!
05. Crazy Horny
06. It All Happened In A Ford Winstar
07. World Renowned Bonafide Shitshow!
08. Sunset On The Coastline
09. Cigarette Reflections
10. A Soulful Punk Tune About A Working Class Dreamer
11. Easy On The Pepsi Fuller! (The Hideaway Bed)
Slight Similarities With: The Flatliners, The Menzingers, Captain we're sinking.
Download HERE
martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011
Gallows - Death Is Birth EP (2011)
En cuanto a la parte instrumental el grupo sigue la línea de Grey Britain, canciones rapidas, cortas y directas, con buenos riffs de influencia punk, metal y hardcore. Zurra de la buena, vamos.
Si este EP fuera el primero del grupo no habrían llamado tanto la atención como lo hicieron con “Orchestra Of Wolves” y, en comparación con los otros 2 trabajos, el grupo ha perdido en muchos sentidos (suponemos que en el directo mucho mas), pero, aun así, siguen siendo 4 contundentes y directos temazos llenos de rabia.
¡Descargar AQUI!
jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011
Oso - Songs About God
Oso es una banda afincada en Barcelona que acaba de publicar su primer trabajo, un EP titulado “Songs About God”.
En los cinco temas de los que está compuesto encontramos mucho folk, mucho sentimiento, mucha sutileza y voces minimalistas rodeadas de composiciones muy cuidadas. En conjunto: unos cuantos preciosos temas jodidamente relajantes.
Si te gusta Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes o Iron & Wine no puedes no descargártelos. Ellos mismos ponen a disposición de todo el que quiera el EP en descarga directa ¡AQUÍ!
A partir de Enero van a publicar su segundo trabajo, un LP que será coeditado por Desert Pearl Union y Bcore. ¡Ojito!
sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011
Curasan - Curasangre (2011)
Tras varios EPs y trabajos compartidos, el cuarteto Donostiarra se ha atrevido esta vez con el formato largo y han recopilado 11 temas en un LP llamado “Curasangre”. En resumen, “Curasangre” son muchísimos detalles, cambios de ritmo, bellísimas melodías y voces rasgadas que pueden conseguir arrancarte una sonrisa en el peor de tus días. Sin artificios, consiguen transmitir con 2 guitarras limpias y bien conjuntadas, un bajo sobrio y correcto, y un batería tocada con sutileza y originalidad más de lo que a muchos les gustaría. No puedo clasificar a este grupo en ningún género, pero se podría decir que se encuentran entre el math rock de This Town Needs Guns y el post-hardcore de At The Drive In, aunque, conociéndoles, seguro que ninguna de las dos bandas les es conocida.
En definitiva, que tienes que escuchar Curasan, y si no, es mejor que te compres una power balance y vayas a hacer salto de pértiga al cañón del colorado.
¡Bájatelo AQUÍ!
jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011
Berri Txarrak - Haria (2011)
martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011
Make Do And Mend - Part And Parcel EP (2011)
Hartford, CT's post-hardcore sons have just released an acoustic EP of 6 tracks, containing three songs of their debut album "End Measured Mile", a Touché Amoré cover and two brand new songs. Great quiet and peaceful melodies accompanied with an acoustic guitar and some other arrangements.
1. Unknowingly Strong
2. Ghostal
3. Home Away From Here (Touché Amoré cover)
4. Transparent Seas
5. Coats
6. Untitled
Slight Similarities With: Daytrader, Defeater, Touché Amoré.
Download courtesy of Melodic Bears Crew
lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011
The Offspring - Demo Tape (1986)
Thanks to KrispyNotKrunchy, a devoted Offspring fan and member of the official Offspring forums, we are able to bring you the download link to this early cassette recording of 6 songs. At that time James F. Lilja was still the drummer, before Ron Welty came in.
It contains early recordings of "Blackball" and "I'll be waiting" (entitled "Fire and Ice") and other 4 songs that we hadn't previously heard of. A precious gift for every devoted fan and very interesting for TSOL-like-punk-rock fans.
01- Blackball
02- Tonight I Do
03- Call It Religion
04- Ballroom Blitz (The Sweet cover)
05- Halloween
06- Fire And Ice
Slight Similarities With: TSOL, The Damned, Dead Kennedys.
Download HERE
domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011
Mixtapes - Maps & Companions (2011)
One of our dearest pop-punk acts comes with the previously announced 12" that compiles 2010's "Maps" plus a B-side reworked acoustic songs with the full-band format and some brand new tracks. Perfect boost of happiness for any kind of days and changing weather. Great irradiation of energy with their characteristic male/female vocals. Pay special attentions to the reworked "OrangeYellow" and "Soups Whatever", wonderful!
01 - Sunrise
02 - Maps
03 - Cassettes
04 - And If We Both Fail?
05 - The Mixtapes Misplaced Missed Takes
06 - Road Apples
07 - Hope Springs Eternal
08 - OrangeYellow
09 - Moonglow
10 - Sunsets
11 - And If We Both Fail?
12 - 6 Quarters
13 - OrangeYellow
14 - Soups Whatever
15 - I Accept That
Slight Similarities With: Direct Hit!, Lemuria, House Boat.
Download HERE
martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011
Capital - Givers Takers (2011)
I know, I know. This album was released January 3rd this year. Most of you probably got it and know that it is a great record. But I just found it last week on my iPod and gave it a listen after several months forgetting about its existence. So I thought it had to be here for the ones who haven't heard it yet. The whole album is available via Bandcamp, name-your-price, in a lot different kind of formats (Mp3 320, FLAC...). Brilliantly produced, a records where you can perfectly distinguish every instrument and all of them have the presence they deserve. Powerful, perfectly balanced and clear, this record is totally worth a listen.
01. Green (with Envy)
02. Road Rash
03. I Am Anonymous
04. Youth Culture
05. Southern Air
06. Kennel
07. Three Weeks In The Desert
08. Conspiracy Theories
09. Little Pill
10. Cold And Gray
11. Grifters
12. Bog Road
Slight Similarities With: After The Fall, Agent, Small Arms Dealer.
Download via Bandcamp
jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011
ATTENTION - Another Year EP (2011) and Previous work (Complete Discography)
Did someone mention that we love gruffy vocals? Iron Chic, None More Black, Death is not glamorous... you guys know we're all into this shit. So here we got a new example of hoarse-yelling, a great one indeed. Glenn Barrington's got a hell of a husky voice, it seems like the sound isn't coming out from his throat but from the dephts of a cave full of wolves. But his barks have got tons os melody, so the vocals don't turn into a continuous hoarseness. Apart from that, the band sails through different styles, from the speed and the energy of melodic hardcore to the poppiest vein of their previous work. Give'em a listen and celebrate Flannel & Beards going beyond 1000 visits!
01. Your Is The New You're
02. When Life Hands You Lemmings
03. Shirts Off, Party On
04. Greetings From Dufferin Grove Park
Slight Similarities With: Small Arms Dealer, The Fucking Cops, Censors
Download courtesy of Punkmusiczone
martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011
Mixtapes - How To Throw A Successful Party (2011)
If there's a perfect band for sunny days, that's Mixtapes. This guys from Cincinnati, OH know hoy to make us smile and enjoy our journeys. This time they have released an EP following their acoustic vein. They never forget their unique sound and they have delivered some of their acoustic pop-punk duo wonders one more time. Must Have.
1. 10 A.M. (how to successfully start the day)
2. Noon (protest song)
3. 2 P.M. (how to end something good)
4. 4 P.M. (stupid famous quotes)
5. 6 P.M. (how to enjoy the scenic route)
6. 8 P.M. (the apple barn)
7. 10 P.M. (safe)
8. Midnight (from the red to the blue)
9. 5 A.M. (how to successfully throw a party)
Slight Similarities With: Direct Hit!, Lemuria, The Dopamines.
Download courtesy of Hero Wine
viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011
Antifun Krieg - S/T (2011)
Antifun Krieg is an old school hardcore band from Baiona (Basque Country, France) and they have just released their first work. You can listen to it on their Bandcamp page and download "Anihilation". With furious female vocals, this powerful and fast-as-hell band delivers what old school is meant to be adding some great guitar solos from time to time. They will be touring France and Basque Country in november, check out the tour dates!
31/10 : Bordeaux - Heretic Club w/ Dirge
1/11 : help !!
2/11 : help !!!!
3/11 : help !!!!!!!!
4/11 : Paris - La cantine de belleville w/ Hollywood Blvd, Bile Clinton, Idoru
5/11 : Bailleul - Barabao w/ Against The Wall, Lifeless Hope, All Directions
6/11 : help
7/11 : Nice - Tapas la movida w/ The Forks, Cross Division, Throw Me Off The Bridge
8/11 : Marseille - O'Bundies w/TBA
9/11 : Toulouse - Ragtime w/Atentado, Kholaas
11/11 : Akotz - DZ Gaztetxea w/Kuma No Motors, TBA
12/11 : Bilbao - TBA
Banner Pilot - Heart Beats Pacific (2011)
There's a very important reason to listen to Banner Pilot, they can turn you worst day into the joy of a rollercoaster ride. They have this energy-boost melodies, and sound like the best kind of gruffy pop-punk. This time they have slowed down the tempo a little bit but they keep sounding as enthusiastic as the first day. "Spanish Reds" is something that you guys have to check out right fucking now, 100% classic Banner Pilot anthemic melody!
(Sorry for making you wait so much for this album, the first rips that leaked were really lame and I wanted to give you something with better sound).
01. Alchemy
02. Forty Degrees
03. Red Line
04. Spanish Reds
05. Eraser
06. Expat
07. Isolani
08. Calling Station
09. Western Terminal
10. Intervention
11. Division Street
Slight Similarities With: Dear Landlord, The Dopamines, Dead To Me
Dowload HERE
miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011
Crítica a Australia EP de Yaw
Cuando unos amigos te preguntan si podrías escribir una crítica sobre su último trabajo te debates entre la ilusión que te hace escribir sobre esa banda, y la dificultad que entraña criticar algo creado por personas con las que compartes amistad, y si no que se lo pregunten a Patrick T. Daly cuando Refused le pidió unas líneas para The Shape Of Punk To Come. Siempre he reconocido ser bastante subjetivo a la hora de hablar de Yaw, pues son una de las bandas que más me han transmitido con su música. Dicho esto, quiero poner sobre la mesa todo mi esfuerzo objetivo y toda la capacidad crítica que he conseguido juntar para hablar sobre “Australia”.
Pero para quien crea que se van a convertir en un grupo más subiéndose al carro lanzan “Dena/Zena”, quizás el tema más maduro de todo el EP; sincero, peculiar y crudo. Sincero por tener dejes de “Thanatox” y “Script” y rezumar ese sonido característico por los poros. Peculiar por incluir detalles nuevos en la sección vocal aparte del ya mencionado grito por melodía. Y crudo, verdaderamente crudo en cuanto a sonido con una letra que se muestra como una herida abierta. Y si hay algo que demuestran con éste último trabajo es su madurez. Siguen siendo los mismos idiotas de siempre, y su sonido sigue siendo reconocible, pero el monstruo ha crecido en tamaño y magnitud, ha mutado a una forma más adulta.
Yaw - Australia EP (2011)
Yaw is a great band from Donostia (Basque Country, Spain). They released their first LP two years ago and now they have just released an EP entitled Australia with 5 new tracks that sound more like their hardcore vein, leaving metal riffs a little bit aside. It is a more intense, sensible and furious work, with the whole vocals yelled and leaving melodies in charge of the instrumental section. The lyrics (everything in basque) are essential and you guys have to check them out for sure. The whole EP is available for free download via bandcamp or mediafire. [Bandcamp download have reached the month limit, but you can still download it free via mediafire]
1. Ez Garena/Saiakera
2. Hitzak/Hatzak
3. Dena/Zena
4. Ametsak/Mugak
5. Bete/Hustu
Slight Similarities With: Gallows, The Bronx, None of the previous.
Download via Bandcamp
domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011
Dead To Me - Moscow Penny Ante (2011)
Third studio album by San Francisco, CA punk rockers Dead To Me. Quite similar to African Elephants in every way, but probably a little bit better than it. 12 tracks of so-called "Real Punk", and a lot of politics as their personal signature. Enjoy.
1: Undertow
2: Reckless Behavior
3: The Evolution Will Be Tele-Visualized
4: The Hand With Inherited Rings
5: No Lullabies
6: The Trials of Oscar Wilde
7: The Monarch Hotel
8: Never Relief
9: I Love My Problems
10: Dead Pigeon Tricks
11: Victims of No Ambition
12: The World Has Gone Mad
Slight Similarities With: Cobra Skulls, Smoke Or Fire, American Steel, None More Black
Download HERE
domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011
Timeshares - Bearable (2011)
Do you remeber the first time you discovered bands like Latterman and that eventually got you listening all these bands raising from its ashes like Iron Chic or RVIVR? Can you picture yourself cheking the messageboard out to find news about the last Spraynard record? If your answer is yes, you must have clicked download long before you finished reading this lines.
Timeshares are a band from Oneonta, NY and the have just delivered a great first LP featuring songs from their previous releases and a fistful of new tracks. Any Latterman melancholic would enjoy this album, but we can't say that these guys are just another copy of the Huntington geniouses, they go further with a more personal sound and a mature writing, adding intensity to the positive message that this bands have always defended. Sure they keep this Latterman vibe and spirit, but only to make them grow when they give us those half-shouted singalongs with heart-in-hand melodies. From An Admirer Not Darryl starts it all with tons of energy and soon you will find yourself loving each track of this great album. Nothing else to say but "download it right fucking now".
1. From An Admirer Not Darryl
2. Everyday Doops
3. Focus, Eddie
4. Oh No Not That
5. Sarah, Send Your Driver
6. Damn Near By Beer
7. Too Many ELO Days
8. Chinese Coffee Torture
9. Skirt Wednesday
10. Mumbleface
11. Woke Up In Grappler School
12. Math & Science
Slight Similarities With: Spraynard, Latterman, Iron Chic
Download link courtesy of If You Make It
martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011
Cobra Skulls - Agitations (2011)
After listening to it for three long days online, waiting for the download to leak, here you got the third album from Reno's best punkers. Undoubtedly, a great work of energy and melody, plus this political rage and awareness that is the signature of the trio. They keep this slight rockabilly and country feel, plus some strange touches of ska or folk, and mantain their strong vibe of angry-with-the-war band. Listen it and give thanks to Peralta and his pals.
01. Six Degrees 01:43
02. Iron Lung 01:34
03. Now You Know 02:08
04. The Mess 02:05
05. On & On 03:19
06. All Drive 01:49
07. Drones 01:22
08. The Mockery 02:34
09. Solastalgia 01:57
10. The Minimum 01:36
11. Hiding 01:45
12. Running Out 02:06
13. Believe 02:30
Slight Similarities With: Dead To Me, Against Me!, None More Black
Download HERE
jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011
This Is A Standoff - Be Delighted EP (2011)
Since Belvedere broke-up most of the melodic hardcore punkers have been following This Is A Standoff in their radar. Here comes the new EP from the Canadian bros with brand new tunes. Their European Tour starts today. Stay tuned!
01. Were Really Doing It
02. The Enlightened One
03. Head In The Sand
04. See You At The Bottom
05. Vanadian
Slight Similarities With: Belvedere, Much the same, Mute
Download link courtesy of Skatepunkers
jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011
Night Birds - The other side of darkness (2011)
Surf, surf, surf, surf, surf, surfcore. Take your boards and enjoy this new release by Night Birds, the best hardcore punk surf rock mixture since the golden days in the 80's. Give it a chance before the summer ends!
1. Demon Haunted World
2. Neon Gray
3. Born of Man and Woman
4. Landfill Land
5. One Eye
6. The Other Side Of Darkness
7. Day After Trinity
8. Hoffman Lens
9. Sex Tape
10. Failed Species
11. Can't Get Clean
12. Paranoid Times
13. Oblivious
Slight Similarities With: The Adolescents, JFA, D.I.
Download HERE
Nothington - Borrowed Time (2011)
Most of us have been waiting restless for this. The time has come now. Nothington's "Borrowed Time" is now available for making you sing-along with every melody. A great album that will have a place in most of the "top of the year" lists.
1. Captive Audience
2. Where I Can’t Be Found
3. Far To Go
4. End Of The Day
5. To Hold On
6. The Escapist
7. St. Andrews Hall
8. Hopeless
9. Don’t Have To Wait
10. Ordinary Lives
11. I Should Say
Slight Similarities With: Red City Radio, Anchor Arms, Spanish Gamble
Download HERE
miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011
Polar Bear Club - Clash Battle Guilt Pride (2011)
Brand new album from Rochester's kids, produced by the great Brian McTernan whose work has been already noticed in masterpieces like Flash Flash Flash by The Explosion and several albums by Strike Anywhere, The Loved Ones and Hot Water Music.
01. Pawner
02. Killin It
03. Screams In Caves
04. Kneel On Nails
05. My Best Days
06. Life Between The Lines
07. I'll Never Leave New York
08. Bottled Wind
09. Slow Roam
10. Religion On The Radio
11. 3-4 Tango
Slight Similarities With: Transit, Title Fight, Living With Lions.
Download link courtesy of Melodic Bears Club
domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011
Chuck Ragan - Covering ground (2011)
Here it is. I'm sure most of you have been waiting for it. Last album from Los Angeles, CA's master. Great folk in the vein of his last record, with heart-in-fist melodies and great guest artists. Perfect music for the upcoming fall.
1. Nothing Left to Prove
2. Nomad by Fate
3. You Get What You Give
4. Wish on the Moon
5. Come Around
6. Seems We're OK
7. Valentine
8. Right as Rain
9. Meet You in the Middle
10. Lost and Found
Slight Similarities With: Tim Barry, Austin Lucas, Jon Snodgrass
Donwload HERE
lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011
Refused - Live Umea 1997
Live recording of a show in Refused's hometown just a year before they split up. The setlist is composed mostly of their pre-shape of punk to come work. One of the best live recordings of the band that you can get.
1] Intro
2] Rather Be Dead
3] Hook, Line And Sinker
4] Burn It
5] Life Support Addiction
6] Return To The Closet
7] Burn The Flag
8] Everlasting
9] New Noise
10] Coup d'etat
11] The Slayer
12] Pretty Face
13] Voodoo People
Slight Similarities With: So hard to say but some say that Born Against, Nation of Ulysses, Snapcase... whatever.
Download link courtesy of Punk Not Profit
lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011
Signals Midwest - Latitudes and Longitudes (2011)
I just discovered this band and they sound amazing. With a deep and intense sound that could seem to be post-hardcore but it keeps a punk feel, like an echo of bands like Spraynard. The voice is as intense and deep as the music, and it gives the band a personal sound. Just listen to it, it's worth it.
01. In Tensions
02. Monarchs
03. Family Crest
04. Memo
05. I Was Lost
06. The Quiet Persuader
07. Limnology
08. January & Seven
09. Construction Paper
10. The Weight & The Waiting
Slight Similarities With: Worship This!, Spraynard, Transit
Download link courtesy of Melodic Bears Crew
domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011
Ceremony - Covers EP (2011)
6 covers EP from San Francisco's hardcore act Ceremony. Including Pixies, Crisis and Wire's songs. Really interesting approach to make this songs sound a little bit different.
01 - Urban Waste – Public Opinion
02 - Pixies – Nimrod’s Son
03 - Crisis – Holocaust
04 - Eddie and the Subtitles – American Society (L7 version)
05 - Vile – 5 to 10
06 - Wire – Pink Flag
Slight Similarities With: Irrelevant in this case.
Download link courtesy of
House Boat - The Thorns Of Life (2011)
New album from the Pop-Punk supergroup with former and current members of The Ergs!, Dear Landlord, The Steinways and Off With Their Heads. Definitely a must-have for the bubblegum punk lovers of the XXI Century. On the top of this year without any doubt.
01. Who Let the Dogs Out? ( 1:41)
02. A Song in Which I Convince Myself to Stop Being Such a Fucking Idiot ( 1:36)
03. Quivering ( 1:01)
04. Throwing in Those Weird Chords Did Wonders for The Copyrights and Dopamines (Theme from House Boat) ( 2:50)
05. …And On and On ( 1:30)
06. Now We Are 31 ( 1:58)
07. Pityscapes ( 2:18)
08. Anticipation Preservation ( 1:38)
09. I Live Directly Across the Street From the Outback Steakhouse ( 1:21)
10. Terminally Unique ( 1:04)
11. I’d Be Better Off On ( 2:08)
12. Real Life is a Metaphor for Real Life ( 2:38)
13. Barkmarket Fuckacy ( 1:37)
14. Bug Out ( 3:29)
Slight Similarities with: The Ergs!, The Steinways, Dear Landlord
Download link courtesy of Releaseblog
You can listen to it in its entirety at House Boat's Bandcamp
jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011
The Copyrights - North Sentinel Island (2011)
Here we got Carbondale's guys at their best, energic Pop-Punk. Complete album including the previously released "Crutches".
1. Trustees of Modern Chemistry
2. Crutches
3. Hard-Wired
4. 20 Feet Tall
5. Expatriate Blues
6. Bow Down
7. Worn Out Passport
8. Restless Head
9. Sleep Better
10. Scars
11. The New Ground Floor
12. Never Move Your Back Row
13. Well-Fed and Warm
14. Hell Will Be Party Time
Slight Similarities with: Dear Landlord, The Dopamines, The Steinways
Download Link Courtesy of Punkmusiczone
NOFX - Hardcore 12" (2011)
12" version of the upcoming covers album from NOFX. Includes covers of infamous hardcore bands like Agnostic Front, Batallion of Saints or D.O.A.
01 – Friend Or Foe (Agnostic Front Cover) – IQ32 – (Necros Cover)
02 – Police Brutality (Urban Waste Cover)
03 – Mental Breakdown (Social Unrest Cover)
04 – No More Lies (Battalion Of Saints Cover)
05 – Race Riot (D.O.A. Cover)
06 – Say We Suck – (Sin 34 Cover)
07 – Child Hosts The Parasite (Rebel Truth Cover)
08 – Professional Punk Intro (Stretch Marks Cover)
09 – Professional Punk (Stretch Marks Cover)
Slight Similarities with: Really?
Download link courtesy of El Club de los Magios
Polar Bear Club - The View, The Life EP (2011)
A teaser 7" that includes two tracks from Clash Battle Guilt Pride, PBC's next album and one exclusive song "Close Knit".
01. Killin It
02. Screams In Caves
03. Close Knit
Slight similarities with: Transit, Title Fight, Shook Ones
Download courtesy of Fast Screaming Melodic Hardcore
jueves, 21 de julio de 2011
Heartsounds - Drifter (2011)
Second LP from this californian punk-rockers. Melodic Hardcore with male-female vocals; fast, energic and perfect for lovers of their previous work, you won't regret it.
01. Every Second Counts
02. Unconditional
03. Drifter
04. I Have Nobody to Betray
05. Elements
06. Race to the Bottom
07. Don't Talk With Your Mouth Open
08. Everything's Going My Way
09. Echo
10. You Are Not Your Body
11. Uncomfortably Numb
12. Nothing Happens for a Reason
Slight similarities with: Protagonist, No Trigger, Strung Out
Download courtesy of Melodic Bears Crew
miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011
Nothington - More than obvious EP (2011)
New EP from San Francisco, CA. The californian guys bringing new stuff is always good news, this time mostly acoustic (5 tracks out of 6).
01. Not Looking Down (acoustic)
02. Tired Hearts
03. More Than Obvious (acoustic)
04. In Flames (acoustic)
05. End Of The Day (acoustic)
06. Down The Road (acoustic)
Slight similarities with: Red City Radio, Anchor Arms, Blacklist Royals
Download link courtesy of Melodic Bears Crew
lunes, 11 de julio de 2011
Death Is Not Glamorous - Spring Forward (2011)
One of the most expected albums of the year. Melodic and vociferous hardcore punk coming from Oslo, Norway. The kind of band that you should be totally into, catchy melodies, furious lyrics and lots of energy.
01. Spring Forward
02. Liquid Swords
03. Invincible Summer
04. The Sea Speaks
05. A Different Vision
06. Three Swords
07. Defeat Statistics
Slight similarities with: Kid Dynamite, Shook Ones, Deny Everything
Download link courtesy of Melodic Bears Crew
domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
The Copyrights - Crutches EP (2011)
New EP from these guys from Carbondale, IL. The lead and title track "Crutches" will appear on the band's upcoming full-length North Sentinel Island, due out August 9, 2011 via Red Scare, while the other three tracks are demos exclusive to this release. Great pop-punk.
01 Crutches
02 Current Event (demo)
03 Sober Shell South (demo)
04 Worn Out Passport (demo)
Slight similarities with: Dear Landlord, The Dopamines, The Steinways
Download courtesy of Punkmusiczone
Anchor - Recovery (2011)
New album of this swedish hardcore band.
01 - Testament
02 - Hemingway
03 - Awakening
04 - In Sickness And Health
05 - Recovering
06 - Echoes
07 - The Insight
08 - Lake Elsinore
09 - No Love
10 - Sleeping World
11 - Skies Of Confinement
Slight similarities with: The Effort, Verse, Have Heart
Download link courtesy of Elementary Revolt
Landmines - Commerce and Marx (2011)
Great Hardcore Punk from Richmond, VA.
01. Hell Is What We Make It
02. Hooker Piss
03. Black Tide
04. You Are Number 6
05. Evil Eye
06. Fair Weather Friend
07. Beer For Blood
08. Scattered Remains
09. Three Little Pigs
10. Left On Memory Lane
11. Ditch Digger
12. Before We Fade
13. Yarn
Slight similarities with: Protagonist, How Dare You, No Trigger
Donwload courtesy of Melodic Bears Crew
Spraynard - Funtitled (2011)
To welcome everyone to this new music blog we have one of the best albums of this year, coming from West Chester, PA.
1. I Care Not
2. The Denver Broncos vs. The Denver Broncos
3. O.R. They?
4. Little Green Ghouls
5. We're Pretty Nice Guys
6. Ah Gun
7. Damn You, A Box
8. Spooky, Scary
9. Homies Where the Heart Is
10. Quite Exciting, This Computer Magic
11. Not Good Enough, Gary
12. Joe Gallgher's Fantasy Fun Camp
Slight similarities with: Latterman, Iron Chic, RVIVR
Download via If You Make It