martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011
RVIVR - Belebend EP (2011)
I've been searching for this EP since RVIVR announced its release due to their european tour, I had to wait and the only thing I was able to listen was one of the two songs on this record, thanks to somebody who uploaded it to Youtube. Finally it leaked in mp3 format and you can download it. To be honest, it's only two songs and the first one doesn't really stand out, but the second one would perfectly fit into "derailer EP" and it's got huge amounts of energy and a epic melody that only this guys can deliver. One more reason to love Erica Freas' voice.
01- Paper Thin
02- Wrong Way/One Way
Slight Similarities With: Good Luck, Shorebirds, Iron Chic
Download HERE (RVIVR's diy label)
domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011
Personal & The Pizzas - Diet, Crime and Delinquency 7" (2011)
For all the real punk-rockers out there. What would happen if you mix some ron asheton's guitar riffs, some slices of greasy 'n crusty pepperoni pizza, and some of the greatest and most memorable ramones' tunes? Season it with some mental issues and garnish it with leather jackets and you've got this great 7". Punk-rock from New Jersey's Personal and the Pizzas, right to your guts.
01- Diet Crime and Delinquency
02- Brain Damage
03- Bored Out Of My Brains
Slight Similarities With: The Ramones, Iggy & The Stooges, New York Dolls
Download HERE
viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011
The Holy Mess - The Holy Mess (2011)
2011 is about to end and we have a lot of great albums left to publish for you guys to enjoy the best stuff that came out this year. That's why The Holy Mess deserved a spot in here since the very beggining. Coming from the great Philadelphia, PA the birth place of a whole bunch of memorable bands, we have this four Pennsylvanian punk rockers delivering some of the most energic, catchy and fast tunes since Flatliners' Cavalcade. Don't misunderstand me, this album doesn't have so much of this mid-tempo punk rock, in fact it is really accelerated ultra-catchy punk-rock, most of the songs go full-throttle (without falling into the kind of fast melodic hardcore box) and will make you click repeat button before it ends. A real breath of fresh air for the ones who need to sing along infectious melodies.
01. I Think Corduroy Is Making A Comeback
02. Captain, We’re Drinking!
03. Goodbye 3713 (Must’ve Been A Good One)
04. You Say PARTY! We Say WHERE!?!
05. Crazy Horny
06. It All Happened In A Ford Winstar
07. World Renowned Bonafide Shitshow!
08. Sunset On The Coastline
09. Cigarette Reflections
10. A Soulful Punk Tune About A Working Class Dreamer
11. Easy On The Pepsi Fuller! (The Hideaway Bed)
Slight Similarities With: The Flatliners, The Menzingers, Captain we're sinking.
Download HERE
martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011
Gallows - Death Is Birth EP (2011)
En cuanto a la parte instrumental el grupo sigue la línea de Grey Britain, canciones rapidas, cortas y directas, con buenos riffs de influencia punk, metal y hardcore. Zurra de la buena, vamos.
Si este EP fuera el primero del grupo no habrían llamado tanto la atención como lo hicieron con “Orchestra Of Wolves” y, en comparación con los otros 2 trabajos, el grupo ha perdido en muchos sentidos (suponemos que en el directo mucho mas), pero, aun así, siguen siendo 4 contundentes y directos temazos llenos de rabia.
¡Descargar AQUI!
jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011
Oso - Songs About God
Oso es una banda afincada en Barcelona que acaba de publicar su primer trabajo, un EP titulado “Songs About God”.
En los cinco temas de los que está compuesto encontramos mucho folk, mucho sentimiento, mucha sutileza y voces minimalistas rodeadas de composiciones muy cuidadas. En conjunto: unos cuantos preciosos temas jodidamente relajantes.
Si te gusta Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes o Iron & Wine no puedes no descargártelos. Ellos mismos ponen a disposición de todo el que quiera el EP en descarga directa ¡AQUÍ!
A partir de Enero van a publicar su segundo trabajo, un LP que será coeditado por Desert Pearl Union y Bcore. ¡Ojito!